Dengan rahmat Tuhan dan restu kedua orangtua, dengan berbahagia kami mengumumkan pernikahan kami dan berharap Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i dapat menjadi saksi dimana kami akan dipersatukan dalam pernikahan yang sakral
By the grace of God and with the blessing of our parents, we are pleased to announce our wedding and we hope you can be a witness on the day we will be united in a sacred marriage
We are excited to have you present with us and be a witness to our sacred union
Please turn on the reminder and keep scrolling down to the end
Geser kebawah untuk terus melanjutkan
Matthew 19: 6
"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Matius 19:6
"Demikianlah mereka bukan lagi dua, melainkan satu. Karena itu, apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah, tidak boleh diceraikan manusia."
That was in the middle of the pandemic when he asked the girl he likes to give him just a month of her time to prove his heart.
They read the bible together, pray together and grow together.
from a month to years..
Now the guy who asked for a month of her time, gets her time forever.
Jika Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i akan hadir di gedung resepsi, tolong bantu kami untuk mempersiapkan semuanya lebih baik dengan mengisi form konfirmasi kehadiaran dibawah ini.
Terima Kasih
Sedang Memuat Komentar..
Dalam keterbatasan di kondisi pandemi saat ini, kami memohon maaf tidak dapat mengundang secara langsung Bapak/lbu/Saudara/i sekalian ke acara pernikahan kami. Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, Izinkan kami mengharapkan kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Saudara/i secara virtual serta memberikan doa restu kepada kami melalui channel live streaming dibawah ini atau Bapak/lbu/Saudara/i dapat mengakses Live Stream video secara manual di channel YouTube dear_diaRY atau Yani & Roger.
We are sorry
Due to the recent Covid-19 circumstances, we regret to say that we are unable to invite all of you in person, for it’s in our best interest that everyone stays safe. However, we’re still very much excited to share the joy of our special day with you virtually through our live-streaming channel below, or manually find us on YouTube Yani & Roger (dear_diaRY)
Please watch on YouTube Live Streaming to witness our wedding ceremony
Siaran Langsung Pemberkatan
Memohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk hadir secara virtual sebagai saksi dalam pemberkatan pernikahan kami
Gereja Kristen Protestan Simalungun, Tarutung
10.00 a.m - 12.00 a.m
Jika terjadi kendala selama prosesi acara, Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i dapat bergabung dalam siaran langsung di channel YouTube
Yani & Roger (dear_diaRY)
Link Live Streaming
We would like to say thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts. Your presence at our wedding will be the greatest gift for us.
We sincerely hope your prayers will guide our marriage and give the abundant blessings in our life. There's nothing we can give other than prayers for your kindness, may God always bless you and your family.
Finally, see you on our big day!
With Love,
Roger & Yani